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SAP Certified Associate - Back-End Developer - ABAP Cloud Sample Questions (Q17-Q22):


when you attempt to activate the definition, what will be the response?

  • A. Activation error because the field names of the union do not match
  • B. Activation error because the key fields of the union do not match
  • C. Activation error because the field types of the union do not match
  • D. Activation successful

Answer: A

The response will be an activation error because the field names of the union do not match. This is because the field names of the union must match in order for the definition to be activated. The union operator combines the result sets of two or more queries into a single result set. The queries that are joined by the union operator must have the same number and type of fields, and the fields must have the same names1. In the given code, the field names of the union do not match, because the first query has the fields carrname, connid, cityfrom, and cityto, while the second query has the fields carrname, carrier_id, cityfrom, and cityto. The field connid in the first query does not match the field carrier_id in the second query. Therefore, the definition cannot be activated.
References: 1: UNION - ABAP Keyword Documentation

What are the effects of this annotation? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.

  • A. The value of sy-langu will be passed to the CDS view automatically both when you use the -1 CDS view in ABAP and in another CDS view entity (view on view).
  • B. It is no longer possible to pass your own value to the parameter.
  • C. The value of sy-langu will be passed to the CDS view automatically when you use the CDS view in ABAP but not when you use it in another view entity
  • D. You can still override the default value with a value of your own.

Answer: A,D

The annotation @Environment.systemField: #LANGUAGE is used to assign the ABAP system field sy-langu to an input parameter of a CDS view or a CDS table function. This enables the implicit parameter passing in Open SQL, which means that the value of sy-langu will be automatically passed to the CDS view without explicitly specifying it in the WHERE clause. This also applies to the CDS views that use the annotated CDS view as a data source, which means that the value of sy-langu will be propagated to the nested CDS views (view on view)12. For example:
* The following code snippet defines a CDS view ZI_FLIGHT_TEXTS with an input parameter p_langu that is annotated with @Environment.systemField: #LANGUAGE:
define view ZI_FLIGHT_TEXTS with parameters p_langu : syst_langu @<Environment.systemField:
#LANGUAGE as select from sflight left outer join scarr on sflight.carrid = scarr.carrid left outer join stext on scarr.carrid = stext.carrid { sflight.carrid, sflight.connid, sflight.fldate, scarr.carrname, stext.text as carrtext } where stext.langu = :p_langu
* The following code snippet shows how to use the CDS view ZI_FLIGHT_TEXTS in ABAP without specifying the value of p_langu in the WHERE clause. The value of sy-langu will be automatically passed to the CDS view:
SELECT carrid, connid, fldate, carrname, carrtext FROM zi_flight_texts INTO TABLE @DATA(lt_flights).
* The following code snippet shows how to use the CDS view ZI_FLIGHT_TEXTS in another CDS view ZI_FLIGHT_REPORT. The value of sy-langu will be automatically passed to the nested CDS view ZI_FLIGHT_TEXTS:
define view ZI_FLIGHT_REPORT with parameters p_langu : syst_langu @<Environment.systemField:
#LANGUAGE as select from zi_flight_texts(p_langu) { carrid, connid, fldate, carrname, carrtext, count(*) as flight_count } group by carrid, connid, fldate, carrname, carrtext The annotation @Environment.systemField: #LANGUAGE does not prevent the possibility of overriding the default value with a value of your own. You can still specify a different value for the input parameter p_langu in the WHERE clause, either in ABAP or in another CDS view. This will override the value of sy-langu and pass the specified value to the CDS view12. For example:
* The following code snippet shows how to use the CDS view ZI_FLIGHT_TEXTS in ABAP with a specified value of p_langu in the WHERE clause. The value 'E' will be passed to the CDS view instead of the value of sy-langu:
SELECT carrid, connid, fldate, carrname, carrtext FROM zi_flight_texts WHERE p_langu = 'E' INTO TABLE @DATA(lt_flights).
* The following code snippet shows how to use the CDS view ZI_FLIGHT_TEXTS in another CDS view ZI_FLIGHT_REPORT with a specified value of p_langu in the WHERE clause. The value 'E' will be passed to the nested CDS view ZI_FLIGHT_TEXTS instead of the value of sy-langu:
define view ZI_FLIGHT_REPORT with parameters p_langu : syst_langu @<Environment.systemField:
#LANGUAGE as select from zi_flight_texts(p_langu) { carrid, connid, fldate, carrname, carrtext, count(*) as flight_count } where p_langu = 'E' group by carrid, connid, fldate, carrname, carrtext References: 1: ABAP CDS - parameter_annot - ABAP Keyword Documentation - SAP Online Help 2: ABAP CDS - session_variable - ABAP Keyword Documentation - SAP Online Help

In ABAP SQL, which of the following can be assigned an alias? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.

  • A. database table
  • B. field (from field list)
  • C. group criterion (from group by clause)
  • D. order criterion (from order by clause)

Answer: A,B

In ABAP SQL, an alias is a temporary name that can be assigned to a field or a database table in a query. An alias can be used to make the query more readable, to avoid name conflicts, or to access fields or tables with long names. An alias is created with the AS keyword and is only valid for the duration of the query1.
The following are examples of how to assign an alias to a field or a database table in ABAP SQL:
* B. field (from field list): A field is a column of a table or a view that contains data of a certain type. A field can be assigned an alias in the field list of a SELECT statement, which specifies the fields that are selected from the data source. For example, the following query assigns the alias name to the field carrname of the table scarr:
SELECT carrid, carrname AS name FROM scarr.
The alias name can be used instead of carrname in other clauses of the query, such as WHERE, GROUP BY, ORDER BY, and so on2.
* C. database table: A database table is a collection of data that is organized in rows and columns. A database table can be assigned an alias in the FROM clause of a SELECT statement, which specifies the data source that is selected from. For example, the following query assigns the alias c to the table scarr:
SELECT c.carrid, c.carrname FROM scarr AS c.
The alias c can be used instead of scarr in other clauses of the query, such as WHERE, JOIN, GROUP BY, ORDER BY, and so on3.
The following are not valid for assigning an alias in ABAP SQL:
* A. order criterion (from order by clause): An order criterion is a field or an expression that is used to sort the result set of a query in ascending or descending order. An order criterion cannot be assigned an alias in the ORDER BY clause of a SELECT statement, because the alias is not visible in this clause. The alias can only be used in the clauses that follow the clause where it is defined1.
* D. group criterion (from group by clause): A group criterion is a field or an expression that is used to group the result set of a query into subsets that share the same values. A group criterion cannot be assigned an alias in the GROUP BY clause of a SELECT statement, because the alias is not visible in this clause. The alias can only be used in the clauses that follow the clause where it is defined1.
References: 1: ALIASES - ABAP Keyword Documentation 2: SELECT List - ABAP Keyword Documentation 3: FROM Clause - ABAP Keyword Documentation

Which ABAP SQL clause allows the use of inline declarations?

  • B. INTO
  • D. FROM

Answer: B

The ABAP SQL clause that allows the use of inline declarations is the INTO clause. The INTO clause is used to specify the target variable or field symbol where the result of the SQL query is stored. The INTO clause can use inline declarations to declare the target variable or field symbol at the same position where it is used, without using a separate DATA or FIELD-SYMBOLS statement. The inline declaration is performed using the DATA or @DATA operators in the declaration expression12. For example:
The following code snippet uses the INTO clause with an inline declaration to declare a local variable itab and store the result of the SELECT query into it:
The following code snippet uses the INTO clause with an inline declaration to declare a field symbol <fs> and store the result of the SELECT query into it:
You cannot do any of the following:
FROM: The FROM clause is used to specify the data source of the SQL query, such as a table, a view, or a join expression. The FROM clause does not allow the use of inline declarations12.
INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF: The INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF clause is used to specify the target structure or table where the result of the SQL query is stored. The INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF clause does not allow the use of inline declarations. The target structure or table must be declared beforehand using a DATA or FIELD-SYMBOLS statement12.
FIELDS: The FIELDS clause is used to specify the columns or expressions that are selected from the data source of the SQL query. The FIELDS clause does not allow the use of inline declarations. The FIELDS clause must be followed by an INTO clause that specifies the target variable or field symbol where the result is stored12.

Which of the following ABAP SQL statements are valid? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.

  • A. SELECT FROM /dmo/connection FIELDS r-i carrid, airpfrom u GROUP BY carrid, connid INTO TABLE @DATA(It_hits).
  • B. SELECT FROM /dmo/connection FIELDS / O carrid, airpfrom,
    MAX( distance) AS dist_max, MIN(distance) AS dist_min INTO TABLE @DATA(It_hits)
  • C. SELECT FROM /dmo/connection FIELDS V D MAX(distance) AS dist_max
    MIN(distance) AS dist_min INTO TABLE @DATA(It_hits).
  • D. SELECT FROM /dmo/connection FIELDS carrid O airpfrom,
    MAX(distance) AS dist_max, MIN( distance) AS dist_min GROUP BY carrid, airpfrom INTO TABLE @DATA(It_hits)

Answer: B,D

The following are the explanations for each ABAP SQL statement:
A: This statement is valid. It selects the fields carrid, airpfrom, and the aggregate functions MAX(distance) and MIN(distance) from the table /dmo/connection, and groups the results by carrid and airpfrom. The aggregate functions are aliased as dist_max and dist_min. The results are stored in an internal table named It_hits, which is created using the inline declaration operator @DATA.
B: This statement is valid. It is similar to statement A, except that it does not specify the GROUP BY clause. This means that the aggregate functions are applied to the entire table, and the results are stored in an internal table named It_hits, which is created using the inline declaration operator @DATA.
C: This statement is invalid. It selects the aggregate functions MAX(distance) and MIN(distance) from the table /dmo/connection, but it does not specify any grouping or non-aggregate fields. This is not allowed in ABAP SQL, as the SELECT list must contain at least one non-aggregate field or a GROUP BY clause. The statement will cause a syntax error.
D: This statement is invalid. It selects the fields carrid and airpfrom from the table /dmo/connection, and groups the results by carrid and connid. However, the field connid is not included in the SELECT list, which is not allowed in ABAP SQL, as the GROUP BY clause must contain only fields that are also in the SELECT list. The statement will cause a syntax error.


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